all work is protected by copyright
▼ Basic Policy
This site recognizes the importance of personal information and considers the protection of personal information to be a social responsibility.
We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information, and properly acquire, use, and manage personal information handled by this site.
▼ Scope of Application
This Privacy Policy describes the policy that this website will follow when handling customers’ personal information or similar information.
▼ Purpose of Use of Personal Information
This site will use the information provided by customers within the scope of the following purposes.
To confirm the identity of the customer
To confirm and respond to inquiries, comments, etc.
To provide, improve, develop, and market our services.
To investigate activities prohibited by the Terms of Use, etc.
For other purposes for which we have received individual consent.
▼ Management of Personal Information
To ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, this site takes thorough security measures.
We will take all necessary and appropriate security measures to protect personal information from leakage, falsification, and unauthorized access.
This site uses SSL encryption to prevent important information from being read or altered by third parties.
▼ Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
This site will not provide personal information to third parties except for legitimate reasons, including the following
When we have the consent of the person in question.
When required by law
When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual
When it is necessary for public health or the sound development of children.
When cooperating with the lawful activities of government agencies, etc. (e.g., tax investigations, statistical surveys, etc.)
Inquiries about personal information
In the event of a request for disclosure, correction, etc., we will respond in accordance with the prescribed methods.
Please contact us for specific information on how to do so, as we will provide you with individual guidance.
▼ Cookies
Cookies are a mechanism for storing a user’s site browsing history on the user’s computer.
Users can reject the collection of cookies by disabling them, so please check your browser settings.
However, some services and functions of this site may not function properly if cookies are rejected.
▼ Disclaimer
While every effort is made to ensure that the content and information on this site is as accurate as possible
However, we do not guarantee the accuracy or safety of the information. We are not responsible for any damage or loss caused by the content of this site.
When you move from this site to other sites by links, banners, etc., you are responsible for the information provided on those sites.
We are not responsible for any information, services, etc. provided on other sites.
Copyrights and Portrait Rights
The copyrights and portrait rights to all content (text, images, video, audio, files, etc.) on this site are owned by the owner of this site or the respective right holders.
Unauthorized use (reprinting, reproduction, transfer, secondary use, etc.) is prohibited. Transformation, modification, or revision of the content is also strictly prohibited.
If there is any problem with the content, please contact the respective rights holders in person. We will respond as soon as possible.
▼ Links
In principle, this site is link-free. No permission or notification is required to link to this site. When citing an article, please clearly state the source of the quotation and link to the relevant page. However, please refrain from linking directly to image files or using inline frames to display links within HTML pages.
▼ Changes to this Privacy Policy
This site will review the contents of this Privacy Policy from time to time and strive to improve it.
This Privacy Policy is subject to change without prior notice.
Changes to this Privacy Policy shall become effective at the time they are posted on this site.
▼ 基本方針
▼ 適用範囲
▼ 個人情報の利用目的
▼ 個人情報の管理
▼ 個人情報の第三者提供
▼ 個人情報に関するお問い合わせ
▼ Cookie(クッキー)
▼ 免責事項 当サイトのコンテンツ・情報について、可能な限り正確な情報を掲載するよう努めておりますが、 正確性や安全性を保証するものではありません。
当サイトに掲載された内容によって生じた損害等の一切の責任を負いかねますのでご了承ください。 当サイトからリンクやバナーなどによって他のサイトに移動した場合、 移動先サイトで提供される情報、サービス等について一切の責任を負いません。
▼ 著作権・肖像権
当サイトで掲載しているすべてのコンテンツ(文章、画像、動画、音声、ファイル等)の著作権・肖像権等は当サイト所有者または各権利所有者が保有し、 許可なく無断利用(転載、複製、譲渡、二次利用等)することを禁止します。また、コンテンツの内容を変形・変更・加筆修正することも一切認めておりません。
▼ リンク
当サイトは原則リンクフリーです。リンクを行う場合の許可や連絡は不要です。引用する際は、引用元の明記と該当ページへのリンクをお願いします。 ただし、画像ファイルへの直リンク、インラインフレームを使用したHTMLページ内で表示する形でのリンクはご遠慮ください。
▼ 本プライバシーポリシーの変更